"Yaaaaay!!!"; said I, a little bit overexcited.
"Erm....we do have to fly there."; said The Husband a bit quieter.
I was stunned into silence.
Eventually I mustered: "But it's a ROAD trip..."
You see, I hate to fly. Don't get me wrong, I DO fly and once I'm on the plane I don't make the scene. But I'm scared. As far as I'm concerned, the most logical thing would be to invest in mega bridges across the oceans with corresponding super fast trains and I cannot for the life of me figure out why my awesome transportation plan still didn't bear any fruit. Surely there must be a zillionaire out there who can make it all happen. Anyone?
"Well, honey....it's kind of far to drive. So we'll fly to France and rent a car once we're there. And we're going with friends. And it'll be awesome."; The Husband tried to make it all better.
I was having none of it: "It might make me feel better if I could fly away in case of...I dunno...engine trouble, but alas....do I look like I can fly???? Can you see any feathers on me?????"; I extended my featherless arms dramatically for added effect.
It was all in vain. We flew to Strasbourg. Oh well, at least we didn't fly Ryanair.
From Strasbourg we made our way to Black Forest in Germany and then to Tubingen, a traditional and very cute German town situated on the river Neckar.
We were starving so I suggested we grab something to eat: "Something very traditional and German!"; I said to our traveling companion (let's call him Hans) who just happens to be German.
"Naturlich!"; said Hans and led us to a very traditional restaurant.
I scanned the menu rapidly. It was all meat, meat and then, for good measure, some more meat.
I guess traditional Germans are not big on vegetarianism.
We all ordered meat. Or so I thought...
When the food arrived, Hans' order consisted of rye bread with white spread.
"Oooh, what's that?"; I asked.
"This? It's a very traditional snack of rye bread and fat."; said Hans.
Fat? FAT? Surely not. Was I hearing this right?
"What do you mean fat?", I asked again.
"You know...fat. It's delicious. You want to try some?"
"Erm....no, thanks."
I guess I'll be sticking to Nutella as my choice of bread spread.

I wore:
Sunnies: Whistles
T-shirt: POP Cph
Necklace: Kenneth Jay Lane
Kimono: Zara
Chinos: Gap
Sandals: ASOS
wow. this is seriously so gorgeous and picturesque. you are so lucky, i'm quite envious!
Not to be culturally insensitive, but ewww! Fat?! Ew.
Love the outfit, and love the pictures. Beautiful as usual. I'd love to visit the Black Forest and the small, medieval towns around it. So cute.
hahaha :) Nutella je sigurnija varijanta definitivno! Nije ti losa ideja ovo s mostovima...s obzirom na to u kom vremenu zivimo, stvarno je cudno da se niko nije doseti necega slicnog, nije da zilioneri ne postoje :P
oh, Germany looks beautiful and I have never been to that country. which is sad because a little ago we actually planned to go but that plan somehow faded away. I still want to go though so maybe someday :) by the way, I have heard it's quite difficult to use English there because the locals don't want to speak English. is it true?
Maikeni blogi - part of me
@Maiken, no, no...you'll be quite OK in Germany with your English. Everyone speaks it. The thing you mention is more likely to happen in Paris.
Oh wow! Awesome view:)
Have a nice day!
Angela Donava
Kad vidis koliko se nasi spore oko jednog jedinig f*****g mosta, sumnjam da bi ti dobila mega mostove :D Ja nemam problema s letenjem ali moj Mr. Ima pa i mene prestrasi kad letimo tako da tebi svaka cast sto si fina u avionu :)
Post je divan... ja jako volim Njemacku i te njihove gradice... imaju mi dusu i tako su mi ... ma divni! Meso volim ali mast i slicno... neeee! Nadam se da si copila Nutellu negdje :)
Divne fotografije, vrlo bajkovito izgleda.
Šta ti Nemci jedu, zaboga!
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