Monday, 28 July 2014

Day Trip: Whitstable & Canterbury

My Mum decided to visit the other day.  Since she visited London many, many times before, The Husband and I decided to show her some of the other charms England has to offer.
"We should take her to the seaside. She's gonna love it!"; I exclaimed.
"Hmmmm...she lives in Croatia; their seaside is a bit better than the English one."; reasoned The Husband.
"Nonsense! She'll LOVE it."; I repeated.
So off we went in our car. Destination:Whitstable, a charming seaside town on the Kent coast and only an hour drive from London.
The weather was nice and the skies were blue.
"Look, Ma...this is Whitstable!!!"; I extended my arms dramatically towards the general direction of the beach.
"This is the beach??????"; asked Ma.
"Um, yes!"
"It's CATASTROPHIC! They swim in THIS?????? The English?"
I guess she was not too impressed.
"I told you so."; smirked The Husband.
"But, Ma, look how charming it is...."
She was having none of it.
The town itself fared a little bit better. She loved all the quaint little wooden houses and converted fishermen's huts; she also loved a humongous sandwich we ate from one of the seaside stalls and all the flowers in bloom.
After the excitement of Whitstable, we headed towards Canterbury with its beautiful Cathedral.
"Very nice Cathedral. Shame it's an Anglican one."; she observed.
Ma is, of course, a staunch Catholic and there was no pleasing her.
We rounded off our day trip in Canterbury's "Chocolate Cafe".
Ma ordered a cake and a coffee.
"This cake is miniscule. One gets much bigger portions in Croatia."; she said.
"Well, perhaps the English are worried about their blood sugar levels."; I suggested.
"Hmmm...."; she said none too convinced and bit into the cake: "It's delicious, though."


Suzanne said...

What gorgeous photos.

Moms...they say the darndest things.


Ivana said...

Hahaha... mama je genijalna... kraljica :) Umrla sam od smijeha... fotkice su divne i plaza mi bas ne izgleda toliko grozno :) Koliko vidim... i ti si bila vrlo stajlis ;) A mogla si okinuti i koju s majcicom ;)

Kristina said...

@ivana, ma jesam, al ne zelim mamu razvlacit na blogu.

Marija - Victima Perfecta said...

Koliko su divne fotografije, obozavam ih! <3 Prelepo :))
Imamo isti kimono ^^

Maiken said...

you know, Croatia is one of those destinations I would love to visit. I've only seen photos but those have been gorgeous!
okay, those little towns in this post are also my cup of tea. I love it how colourful and pretty they are and how you have captured such sweet details. gosh and the beach looks beautiful! I'm sure your mom actually loved it too.

Maikeni blogi - part of me

footnotes and finds said...

wow! such beautiful photos!

Kristina said...

@maiken, oh, she most definitely didn't love the beach lol

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