Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lady Dragon

This is my casual saturday outfit. Very comfortable, with a touch of pizzazz provided by Vivienne Westwood's Lady Dragon heels. And before anyone asks, no, we didn't have a sudden heatwave here in London. I had a jacket over this but I didn't deem it interesting enough to photograph, I guess.
I wore:
Heels: Lady Dragon by Vivienne Westwood
Vest top: Splendid
Jeans: Zara
Cardigan: Siren


Anonymous said...

soo cute heels! ;)

Anaviglam beauty blog said...

Like a complete look, but no text for heels cause they are just so beautiful!!

stylewithoutstyle said...

Slatki outfit! :)

Unknown said...

cute shoes :)
xx mili

Sparkle said...

those shoes are just too cute :)


Sue said...

I would look mad in those shoes but you look great - you have a lovely quirky style - I wish I had the guts to wear cherries on my toes.

Anonymous said...

Odlicno,cipele su fenomenalne,cukar!!!


Books and Lilies said...

Što je slatko sve!
p.s. zašto su cipele nazvali Lady Dragon kad su sa trešnjama? :-D

Inez said...

Casual and cute, xoxo.

Mihaela said...

slatko <33 cipele odlicne.


Miss Psycho Cat said...

Strašno kako dobro ti izgledaš :D
Cipele su medene!!!

Bella's Kitchen said...

WOW I love your shooes!!

I have new post!

Maiken said...

gosh, those shoes.. way too wonderful! I love love love those!

Maikeni blogi – part of me

Marina said...

outfit je super Kristina:)

Secret Garden said...

Med medeni:)

Nussha said...

odlicne su te cipele.gledala sam ih svojedobno :D
nego :D, ti kao prava engleskinja bez carapa ides okolo :D

Elrese Voges said...

These shoes are beyond adorable!!

Lilla Indigo said...

Cipele su mi predobre!

Borjana said...

Those are the most adorable shoes,adore them!;)

Cassandra Too said...

The heels are so cute! I really like it! :D

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Bloggers Against Social Injustice

Heather Fonseca said...

Cute shoes!

Antee Gurung said...

Oh cute shoes.....lovely

Btw do check out my new post
Stay in touch

Daisy Roadster and Coco said...

Oh, dear these Vivienne Westwood cherries are so nice !
Love the mix with the colourful vest top !

mademoiselle mode said...

I'm crazy about your shoes ^^

Kisses ♥

Kristina said...

@ Aleksandra, nemam pojma. Sve te cipele se zovu Lady Dragon...i ove moje s tresnjama i one sa srcem i s drugim motivima.

melindapollard said...

I adore those VW heels!!

Want to follow each other?

Petra said...

Prekrasne štikle

zhanna said...

Oh my gosh those shoes are so cute. I love anything with cherries!

thankfifi said...

wonderful heels!

♥ Thankfifi

Joice J Allan said...

You have an amazing blog! and please check out my blog and if you like it, please follow me on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you! xx

valerierbrems said...

Madly in love with your shoes!

Chocolate Cookies & Candies said...

These heels are definitely statement pieces. Love the cherries - that'll garner plenty of attention. Stunning heels!

life is style said...

cipelice su presatke :)

Ines Klara said...

We adore your shoes! <3

Anonymous said...

this shoe messed with my emotions!!! Adorable! And i just love your nails color!

james said...

your shoes are sooo cute!!


Jelena Zivanovic said...

Extremely cute cardi and shoes, and very lovely blog!:)

Daughter of Style said...

I love that nail varnish. Disco colour!

Ivana Split said...

great shoes

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