Monday, 27 August 2012

Mellow Yellow

We're having an extended weekend here in England and after one day lazying around the house and one day at a Notting Hill Carnival (will post about that later), today was time to do grocery shopping. Cos...y'know, there was nothing left to eat in the house unless you want to count mouldy strawberries. Yikes!
So, this is my Stepford Wife gone grocery shopping outfit. I never was too sure about yellow what with my super pasty skin and all, but seeing that yellow had a bit of a moment this summer, I did succumb and bought this dress on ASOS earlier this year. I think I can just about pull the colour off. What do you think?
The necklace is from Forever 21, though my husband can't for the life of him understand why would anyone want to wear a key necklace. He reckons it would have been cheaper to hang my house key on the chain. "Practical as you would not lose your keys AND fashionable", according to him.

Dress: Asos
Necklace: Forever 21
Bag: Cleobella
Shoes: Kurt Geiger
Glasses: Ray Ban
Ring: Isharya


Nikol said...

Love your dress and shoes!

Inez said...

Just like you I'm wary of wearing yellow with my fair skin lol but you pulled it off hun. Looking forward to reading about your time at the carnival, xoxo.

Unknown said...

I love it so much! It's so vintage-y and charming! And it looks like it was a beautiful sunny day. Matches your sunny outfit.

Men. They just don't get it. The necklace is adorable, and that bag/heel combination is divine.


Camila and Carola. said...

Love the dress and love the shoes!!
That nail polish rocks!

Goga said...

divna haljina...i plus za naočale

Anonymous said...

sssssssssshoes <3 Prekrasno iskombinirane boje, podsjećaju me na jesen <3

Unknown said...

Your husband sounds just like mine. Love you in yellow.

Kristina said...

@Iva, LOL, I think all husbands are the same. ;)

Unknown said...

love this yellow dress! too cute!

love from San Francisco,

Princess said...

I'm following you! your look is so pretty! *.*
Thanks for visit me!


Jenny said...

What a pretty dress! I love the eyelet and the texture! Your accessories are great, and I love the blue nails!

xo Jenny

Justina said...

The yellow is gorge, but I'm kind of fixated on your SHOES. They're perfect.


just me said...

this outfit is amazing. love every piece...

Unknown said...

love your key necklace!

Anonymous said...

Boja ti uopce ne stoji lose,bas onako osvjezavajuce,ali kroj nije bas idealan.


Joice J Allan said...

Wow... I'm wearing a key necklace too on my blog hehehehe, anyway thank you so much for following me, I follow you back on GFC, BLOGLOVIN, Twitertter,and Facebook, I hope you will do the same. Thank you xx


Maiken said...

yellow and blue look SO beautiful together!
and those brown leathery accessories are like cherries on top.

Maikeni blogi - part of me

Say me Justine said...

great shoes!

Fashion babel said...

photos are amazing!
wanna follow each other?

Amy said...

Love that key necklace and the vintage glam look this dress gves off.

Hosting a giveaway, would love for you to enter!

Unknown said...

absolutely love that necklace!!!

chloe xo xo xo

sharpenstyle said...

Thank you so much for your comment, you´re very nice! =)

We´re following you back. You have some really great outfits here!! By the way I´m loving your shoes in this one, their color mixes great with the blue of your toe nails!

This week we´re going to Madrid Fashion Week and will tell everything that happens there in our blog, starting friday! It´s gonna be madness!! If you want to know what happens at a fashion week, besides runway shows, check our blog!!

kisses, have a nice week!

Ni Ka said...

Love this dress and the combination you made :))


MDS* said...

I will love the Notting Hill Carnival's post, for sure! I've been there twice and it was an amazing experience.
Have a nice day!


Netty said...

The cutout leather bag is gorgeous! I love it.
The Fashionable ESQ

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