I don't just photograph fashion and celebrities, I also photograph regular folk. You know...like you and me. With that in mind, I'll share a few photos from the
late summer maternity shoot I did with this gorgeous mama to be.
What stunning photos. My sister is pregnant right now and likes to get ideas for her photo shoot that she will be doing soon, these are some great ones, I will have to share this link with her. xx, Jodi http://highheelsandtutus.com
Absolutely amazing shots! And she is beautiful and glowing! I have such an admiration for photographers because you guys see something most people don't see. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I love it. ♡
Sincerely, Stella Marie www.sincerelystellamarie.com
Fotografije su predivne, Kristina! Meni je jako zao sto nisam imala pro shooting s malim... to bih voljela ispraviti s drugim! Majka na fotkicama je predivna!
stvarno ti se divim zbog ovih fotografija...ne samo da su prekrasne, nego su i pune ljudske topline i emocija.... a nekako mislim da je to najteže i uhvatiti, tu prirodnost, opuštenost, emociju...
These are so beautiful!
What stunning photos. My sister is pregnant right now and likes to get ideas for her photo shoot that she will be doing soon, these are some great ones, I will have to share this link with her.
xx, Jodi
Absolutely amazing shots! And she is beautiful and glowing! I have such an admiration for photographers because you guys see something most people don't see. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I love it. ♡
Stella Marie
Fotografije su predivne, Kristina! Meni je jako zao sto nisam imala pro shooting s malim... to bih voljela ispraviti s drugim!
Majka na fotkicama je predivna!
Daaa... divno izgleda :) bas si odabrala odlican kontekst, fotke totalno odaju utisak blazenstva :)
super logo btw!
stunning photography, she is glowing!
Predivne su slike :)
stvarno ti se divim zbog ovih fotografija...ne samo da su prekrasne, nego su i pune ljudske topline i emocija....
a nekako mislim da je to najteže i uhvatiti, tu prirodnost, opuštenost, emociju...
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