Monday, 9 June 2014

Oui, Oui Paris IV

The Husband and I made our way to the local cafe where bemoustachioed hipster bloke was serving coffee and croissants. Or so we thought.
"Well, we have coffee, but you can't have croissants. The kitchen opens at noon."; he informed us.
It was clear that half of Paris was still nursing their midweek hangovers and couldn't be bothered to get up while the other half did get up, but somewhat begrudgingly, of course.
"Well, we can have coffee here and then go to Angelina's for cakes and croissants. And hot chocolate."; I suggested.
"Are you sure you can cope with all those sugars and carbs you have planned for yourself?"; said the ever so helpful Husband.
"Ah, but of course."
The queue in "Angelina" was long and the service, once you finally made it inside, was brisk.
A very stern and efficient waitress showed us to our table, plonked the menus in front of us and then STRONGLY suggested that we really should have hot chocolate and mont blanc; "House specialty!!!!" 
Being a lover of chestnuts and hot chocolate I followed her order to a tee. Not so The Husband. He actually perused the menu and took some time placing his order. The waitress looked extremely displeased. She clearly wanted us to order what she suggested. 
After bringing our orders, she plonked a Brazilian couple on a table next to us.
"French or English?", she enquired of them.
They spoke neither.
"Good Lord, they're gonna be in trouble with that waitress. They won't even know what hit them. Help them, help them."; I asked of The Husband.
But it was too late. With one skilled swipe of the hand (or should I say paw?), the Gestapo waitress whipped the menus out of their hands and presented them with one hot chocolate each. The Brazilians sat there looking confused.
"They didn't even get an option of mont blanc. Those poor bastards."; I concluded.


Unknown said...

You look really cool with glasses? Anyone ever told you that? The black square frame really compliments your face :)

Ivana said...

Asti zene, jadnici :) Dobro sa su ista dobili :)
Bas si lijepa na fotkici, nema sta :)

Azra Art said...

Jos jedna super prica, prosto mi bude zao sto nije jos duza! :)
i fotke su odlicne, podsetila si me na ovoj na Miru Furlan iz mladjih dana!

Kristina said...

@kiwi, thank you x

Creme de la Chic said...

I love this post Kristina! Your humor is amazing and I loved reading through your post :)
Also, your photography skills are impeccable! So fantastic xx
Also, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :)
Hope you're having a lovely Tuesday! xx

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ GIVEAWAY ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
Creme de la Chic

Maiken said...

okay, those experiences with French people sound rather... um, not so great? I love it when I can use English everywhere and for example in Crete people in all ages spoke wonderful English. felt like home since I sometimes think in English anyway though my native language is Estonian. but I would still love to explore France some day! and I love those posts from you.

Maikeni blogi - part of me

renata said...

Paris is wonderful. Great photos, dear. Seems you had loads of fun.

Rinafirlyta said...

Nice picture and Nice place. I would to visit Paris too, many a nice place to visit ^^

Iena said...

the photos are refreshing, i like them :')


Imke said...

Too bad you had a service like that, but my guess is that the French are just that way to people that don't speak their language... Very weird though... I went to Angelina two times and both times I enjoyed it so much, I had the hot chocolate plus petit déjeuner and it was amazing, I must admit their hot chocolate really is the best! Amazing pictures, Paris is beyond beautiful!


the style crusader said...

Yum. All those macaroons look delicious! xx

Putri Valentina said...

what a cool place dear :D


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